Book marketing is an art, one that requires a well-rounded approach and a deep understanding of the publishing landscape. In this digital age, it’s not just about penning a stellar book but also ensuring that the right people can see it.

In another article, I’ve covered the importance of having a Book Ecosystem and not just an author platform. This article is a bit more tactical, describing some obvious things you can do as a writer and some non-obvious marketing plays.

Let’s go!

Identify Your Target Audience

Congrats on writing a book. But who’s gonna read it?

Knowing your target audience is key. It helps you create marketing messages that click with potential readers.

Think about the characters in your book. Who can relate to them the most?

Consider the themes of your story. What demographic might be into those topics?

Are there any specific groups or communities who’d dig what you have to say? Ponder these questions and more to find out who should read your self-published masterpiece.

Picking Out Key Characteristics

Age range, gender identity, geographical location…these are just some aspects of an audience profile.

But don’t stop at surface-level details.

Dive deeper into their interests, pain points, values, and aspirations.

Once you know WHO they are, start speaking THEIR language. The tone, the words, and even the platforms where you share will all depend on this info.

So take the time now to identify accurately. It may be the factor that decides whether you achieve greatness or just settle for average.

Ready for the next step? Let’s dive into developing a promotion plan.

Develop a Promotion Plan with the Obvious Suspects

Ever planned a road trip? You know, the kind where you map out every stop and snack break?

Let’s get started then. Only instead of rest stops, think book signings.

Formulating an efficacious promotional strategy for your book is not as intimidating as it might seem. Let me walk you through the obvious steps first.

1. Create a timeline

First things first: set up a timeline. This is like laying down the foundation of your promotional journey – crucial.

  • You’ll want to start promoting at least three months before launch day.
  • Your marketing efforts should peak around release week.
  • But don’t forget about post-launch promotions too. They’re just as important in maintaining momentum.

2. Pick your channels

Next step: decide on which channels to use for promotion – social media platforms are always good starting points but there’s more than that. Diversification, my friend, is key when planning your strategy.

  • Email newsletters can be highly engaging.
  • Press releases still work wonders if done right.
  • A blog tour or guest posting could also get some eyeballs rolling towards your masterpiece.

3. Set goals and measure success

Finally, remember this: What gets measured, gets managed. So make sure to track how well each channel performs using tools like Google Analytics.

This way, not only will you see what’s working (and keep doing more of that.), but also identify areas needing improvement.

Trust me; with careful planning and strategic execution, your self-published book will be flying off virtual shelves in no time.

How to use social media to market your self-published book

Ready to level up your book marketing game? Let’s venture into the unpredictable realm of social media.

Social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram aren’t just for cat videos and food pics anymore.

These digital spaces can be powerful tools in promoting your self-published book.

A clever tweet about your latest chapter could spread faster than wildfire. A well-placed Facebook post might get shared among groups with similar interests. And Instagram?

An aesthetic photo of your book cover with an engaging caption can work wonders on this visual platform.

Harness The Power Of Hashtags

The magic word here is “#Hashtag“.

Hashtags, when used strategically, help potential readers discover you amidst the vast sea of content creators out there.

Create unique hashtags related to your book title or theme; use popular ones that resonate with what you’ve written – mix it up.

Engage With Your Audience

This isn’t a one-way street though: engagement is key. Respond to comments, and answer queries – make them feel seen and heard. Your audience will appreciate it more than you know.

Intrigued by how influencers play their part in all this? Let’s explore that next as we continue our journey through effective strategies for marketing self-published books.

Leverage Influencers to market your self-published book

Ever heard of influencer marketing? It’s like having a famous friend who owes you a favor.

Influencers can give your book the visibility it needs to succeed. But how do you find them? It’s like looking for a drop in the ocean, but with some planning, you can locate them.

Finding Your Niche Influencers

You start by identifying influencers in your genre or niche. Think of them as the popular people at school, only instead of having lots of friends they have a huge online following.

These are individuals with a large following who share an interest in topics related to your book. It’s like finding your book’s soulmates.

Reaching Out To Them

The next step is reaching out and pitching them on why they should help promote your self-published work. It’s like asking your crush to accompany you on a romantic outing, yet instead of gifts and sweets, you present them with the opportunity to team up.

This could be through guest posts, interviews, reviews, giveaways – anything that puts your book front and center for their audience. It’s like giving them a backstage pass to your literary masterpiece. Here’s some advice from Reedsy on doing just that.

Maintaining Relationships With Influencers

Beyond initial collaboration though, it’s important to maintain these relationships as they’ll prove invaluable over time. It’s like having a long-distance friendship, but instead of sending postcards, you send them updates on your future books. offers great tips on nurturing such connections effectively. It’s like having a relationship coach for your influencer friendships.

Create an online presence for your self-published book

So, you’ve written a book and it’s ready to hit the virtual shelves. Now, how do you get your masterpiece in front of potential readers?

The answer? Develop an online presence.

Digital Platforms: Your Virtual Stage

Your online presence is like a personal stage where you can showcase your work to millions worldwide.

Trust me, consumers love brands with a strong digital footprint. And authors are no exception.

Websites: The Author’s Home Base

Your website should be the home base for all things related to your book.

From book details to blog posts about your writing experiences, everything goes here.

Blogs: Engaging Readers Beyond Books

Blogging is a great way to connect with readers beyond just selling them books.

Share insights into character development or what inspired specific plot twists.

Social Media Channels: Connecting Directly With Readers

Don’t forget social media platforms. They provide direct lines of communication between authors and their audience.

Statistics reveal that over half the world uses social media now. So, billions are waiting for engaging content from creators like yourself.

In essence, creating a solid online presence isn’t optional anymore; it’s mandatory for self-published authors today.

Crafting this might seem daunting at first, but remember Rome wasn’t built in one day either.

All right then, let’s dive deeper into other marketing strategies next, shall we? P >

More Book Marketing Ideas: The Non-Obvious Tactics

Here are some extra methods to promote your self-published book.

1. Email Newsletters

A powerful tool, email newsletters are like secret agents spreading the word about your book.

Use them to update subscribers about new releases or upcoming events. Just remember: keep it engaging and valuable.

Here’s a good case study from Ryan Holiday.

The power of a well-managed mailing list in book marketing is undeniable. It’s like having your own personal megaphone to shout about your new releases and updates directly into your audience’s inbox.

To make this happen effectively, you need a reliable platform that offers features best suited for managing these lists.

MailChimp, Constant Contact, and ConvertKit are some popular choices among authors. They have user-friendly interfaces and advanced automation capabilities that make managing your mailing list a breeze.

When choosing a platform, consider factors like cost-effectiveness, ease-of-use, integration options with other tools you use regularly (like social media platforms), and most importantly – its deliverability rates.

Here’s what you can do to ensure subscriber engagement through emails:

  • Create engaging content: Your emails should provide value beyond just promotional messages. Share snippets from your writing process or sneak peeks into character development – anything that keeps subscribers hooked.
  • Craft compelling subject lines: A catchy subject line can significantly increase open rates. Make it intriguing but honest; clickbait will only lead to disappointment and potential unsubscriptions.

Remember. Maintaining a steady approach to email communication is essential for success. So develop a regular schedule for sending out mails without overwhelming readers’ inboxes.

2. Paid Advertising

Paid advertising is like hiring a megaphone to shout about your book from the rooftops.

You can try social media ads on Facebook or Instagram, Google Ads campaigns, or even sponsored posts on relevant blogs or websites within your niche.

Leveraging Facebook Ads & Goodreads Author Program

Want to reach your target audience with your book? Look no further than Facebook ads.

This powerful tool allows you to target readers based on their interests, age, location, and more. Imagine getting your mystery novel in front of die-hard Agatha Christie fans.

And the best part? These aren’t just any readers; they’re potential buyers who are already interested in what you have to offer. Talk about efficient marketing.

First things first, figure out who would be interested in your work. Are you crafting a tale of intergalactic adventure for sci-fi aficionados or an adolescent narrative for teenagers?

Create engaging ad content that speaks directly to your target audience. A well-crafted message can spark curiosity and lead to sales.

The Benefits of Joining the Goodreads Author Program

But wait, there’s more. In addition to targeted advertising, there’s another platform authors should tap into: the Goodreads Author Program. This social networking site connects writers directly with bookworms.

In this virtual community, being visible means actively participating – joining discussions, responding to reviews, and even hosting giveaways. It’s all about forging connections with book-lovers from across the globe.

Not only will you gain visibility, but you’ll also receive valuable feedback directly from the people who matter most: readers themselves. They can give indications of what succeeds and fails in your tale, aiding you to enhance future endeavors.

So don’t be shy. Every interaction is an opportunity to market yourself and your work. Now, let’s progress to crafting captivating multimedia content such as book trailers. creating captivating multimedia content like book trailers.

Create a Book Trailer

A book trailer is like a movie trailer, but for your book. Lights, camera, action.

Grab your readers’ attention with a visually captivating teaser that leaves them wanting more.

These ideas should give you plenty of food for thought when marketing your self-published work. Experiment with different methods until you find what works best for both you and readers alike.

Read this guide on how to make a book trailer.

Setting Up Store Links and Running Price Promotions

Picture this: A potential reader stumbles upon your book’s title in an online forum. They’re intrigued and want to know more. So, what do they do? They whip out their trusty search engine and type in your book’s name.

Now, here’s the crucial part – your store links should pop up faster than a cheetah on roller skates. If they fail to locate your book quickly, the likelihood of them losing interest and turning their attention elsewhere is high. And we don’t want that, do we?

Importance of Accessible Store Links for Books

  • Easy access = higher chances of making a sale. It’s like putting your book on a silver platter for readers to devour.

The Impact of Running Price Promotions on Book Sales

  • Lower prices attract bargain hunters and hesitant buyers alike. It’s like a flash sale at your favorite store – people can’t resist a good deal.
  • Running price promotions for your novel can give it a visibility boost, leading to more sales. Just remember to time those discounts strategically, so you don’t overuse them and dilute their effectiveness.

Alright, in our next section, we’ll dive deeper into another crucial aspect of successful marketing strategies – getting glowing reviews from satisfied readers.

Garnering Book Reviews

Let’s talk about the power of positive book reviews. They’re like finding a pot of gold for authors.

Why, you ask? Well, because they have a huge impact on potential buyers’ decisions.

The Role of Positive Reviews in Influencing Buyers

Imagine this scenario: You’re browsing an online bookstore and come across two books on similar topics. One has glowing 5-star reviews while the other is still waiting for feedback.

Which one would you choose? It’s a no-brainer, right?

It’s a basic instinct to rely on the views of others. That’s why we rely on product ratings before making a purchase. And it’s no different when it comes to buying books.

How to Encourage Readers to Leave Reviews

Gently prodding your readers to leave a review once they’ve finished reading is one way of garnering those coveted star-studded testimonials. It’s as simple as asking your readers to leave a review after they’ve finished reading your work.

You could include a note at the end of your book, thanking them for their time and encouraging them to share their thoughts via a review. Don’t forget to remind them how much their opinion means to fellow readers.

Also, consider leveraging social media platforms to engage with your audience and request reviews there as well. For instance, Facebook groups dedicated to your genre can be a great place to start a conversation and invite people to check out your latest release.

Why not try launching a competition or offering a prize to motivate more involvement and enthusiasm from your devotees, which may result in additional high-grade reviews?

Utilizing personal expertise/connection in marketing efforts

Your connection to the subject matter can be a powerful tool for engagement too.

If you’ve got experience or expertise, flaunt it. Readers love authenticity. They want real stories from people who’ve been there before.

The power of relatability cannot be underestimated when it comes to selling books.

Collaborative Marketing Efforts

Ever thought about teaming up with other authors in your genre? You should. A multi-post takeover of each others’ social accounts can expand your reach and introduce you to new audiences.

Co-hosting Webinars and Collaborating on Author Takeovers: Cohost a webinar or collaborate on an author takeover; these are powerful tools for audience expansion.

Pricing Strategies for Older Titles to Boost Sale Volumes: If you have older titles, consider pricing them attractively as well – they’re like magnets drawing customers towards newer books too.

Working together not only benefits all involved but also makes marketing more fun. Up next, let’s explore another strategy: getting local support from independent bookstores.

Local Support from Independent Bookstores

Did you know that your local indie bookstore could be a goldmine for marketing opportunities?

That’s right.

These book-loving hubs love teaming up with indie authors, just like you.

According to Writers Digest, collaborating with indie bookstores benefits both parties. They get a wider selection for their customers, and you get more exposure within the community.

The Impact of Donating Copies on Author Exposure

Considering donating copies of your books? Great idea.

When readers discover and enjoy your donated copy, they’re likely to spread the word among friends or even leave positive online reviews.

This organic buzz can significantly increase your visibility as an author and potentially boost sales.

A Win-Win Situation

By leveraging quality content, you’re setting yourself apart in the competitive publishing industry. Now, isn’t that what we call a win-win situation?

FAQs in Relation to Book Marketing

What is the purpose of book marketing?

The primary purpose of book marketing is to increase visibility, drive sales, and build a loyal reader base for your published work.

How do you promote a book? You can market a book by setting up store links, running price promotions, garnering reviews, creating engaging content like trailers, managing mailing lists effectively, and leveraging platforms like Facebook Ads & Goodreads Author Program.

How to market a book in 2023?

In 2023, effective book marketing involves utilizing digital tools such as social media advertising and email campaigns while also collaborating with local independent stores for wider exposure.

How do you market a book as a first-time author? A first-time author can successfully market their books by establishing an online presence through blogging or vlogging about the writing process and connecting directly with readers via social media channels.

In Summary

  • Effective book marketing requires a multi-faceted approach – it’s like juggling flaming swords while riding a unicycle.
  • Setting up accessible store links and running price promotions can significantly impact book sales – it’s like putting a neon sign that says “Buy Me!” on your book.
  • Garnering positive reviews from readers is crucial in influencing potential buyers’ decisions – it’s like having a squad of cheerleaders chanting “This book is amazing!”
  • Encouraging readers to leave reviews should be a priority – it’s like bribing them with virtual cookies.
  • Developing an understanding of the target reader through proto-personas is like getting inside their heads – but without the mess.
  • Emphasizing personal expertise/connection in marketing efforts can help create a strong connection with the audience – it’s like being the cool kid at the party who knows all the best jokes.
  • Managing mailing lists effectively is essential for sustained success – it’s like herding cats, but with email addresses.
  • Choosing suitable platforms and engaging subscribers through well-crafted emails is key – it’s like sending love letters to your readers, minus the mushy stuff.
  • Leveraging Facebook ads to target specific audiences is like having a secret weapon – but without the explosions.
  • Joining the Goodreads Author Program is like joining a bookish cult – but in a good way.
  • Creating engaging content like book trailers is like making a movie preview for your book – minus the popcorn.
  • Collaborating on marketing efforts with other authors can boost exposure – it’s like having a tag team partner in the wrestling ring of book promotion.
  • Partnering with local independent bookstores and donating copies can provide valuable local support – it’s like being the hometown hero.


When you are ready, here are three ways in which I can help you:

1. Get a free copy of my book The Solo Author: How Solopreneurs Earn Money and Authority with a Book EcosystemGet it here.

2. Grab my course, Write your First Business Book in 90 Days. Learn the 7-Step System to Write a Book Fast. This course will guide you to write your business book in 90 days, even if you have little or no time to write, you’re not a skilled writer, and your book idea is half-baked. Buy it here.

3. Work 1:1 with me: The Book Ecosystem coaching program is the perfect business accelerator for authorpreneurs serious about making an impact and growing their businesses. Limited to a few spots per quarter, you must apply for a spot. Click here to book to see if you qualify.